Tuesday, March 17, 2009

JACT's Status

Hi everyone. I wanted to address the growing concerns over the state of JACT. Let me first reassure you that JACT is not going anywhere. JACT is actually working harder than ever to make sure of this.

I want to apologize to everyone for what may seem like a delay. Over the past few months we have been working hard to implement the necessary initiatives to come out of our Beta phase. This is a very big step for us and we are excited about it. With that being said, there are many grand tasks that are being put into place. I won't go into too much detail but I will give you an example...

JACT is working on our ESRB Compliancy (Entertainment Software Rating Board). The ESRB is a non-profit, self regulatory body that independently assigns ratings, enforces advertising guidelines, and helps ensure responsible privacy practices for the interactive software industry.

The ESRB Privacy Online program exists to help its members comply with the growing complexity of privacy protection laws, while continually striving to help make the Internet a secure, reliable and private place to share information and conduct business. This is to ensure our users that we are serious about privacy and safety.

And, of course, I want to address people's concerns that JACT is "hurting." As cliche as it must sound, yes, the economy has thrown us a few curve balls. With regards to orders...rest assured they are and will ALL be fulfilled. These orders are very important to us as we see them as the source of our great Beta test. We have been able to make great strides through this Beta period and we know it's you guys we have to thank. Your orders will be fulfilled and the Mall will continue to morph and re-invent itself.

We apologize for any delays but please understand our course of action during this time. There have been some challenges for us but we are not going anywhere. We have had to reallocate and readjust some necessary resources but in this economy, if you haven't, somethings wrong. Please be patient as we are working as fast as we can.

We appreciate your support and hope that you will carry out our message to the masses in the midst of doubt and uncertainty. Help us continue to build our community and we will continue to do the best we can to build JACT and the "Play with Purpose" attitude.