Friday, October 31, 2008

Play with Purpose at GameGo!

Ah, juno_ilix' inaugural post - such excitement, such anticipation! Hopefully it'll be as good for you guys as it is for me.

Well, first things first. I'm the Community Manager at JACT, where I feed the goats and occasionally post in the forums and arrange events for our gamers.

Recently our most esteemed JACT gamer Superthrust tipped me off to GameGo Computers, a gaming cafe in Michigan. (Thanks!) I had heard of this idea before (actually from a guy who works here with me at JACT) and I think it's pretty awesome, but I'd never actually seen one.

^^Yep, those are our JACT decals on every one of the chairs and towers. Not only did the owner, Ian, create a great space for gamers to get together and play on the latest systems / consoles in one place, he invited JACT into the mix. (Thanks Ian!) So now you can play with purpose on each one of their PCs. Pretty sweet.

If you're living anywhere near Michigan (say, Montana to Virginia), you should swing by and tell Ian juno_ilix says hi. Thanks Superthrust and Gamego Computers! You guys are awesome.

That's all for now; the goats are hungry!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What is JACT?

Welcome to blog entry number 1. Here, I hope to share with you the direction, the ambition, the culture, and the challenges here at JACT. So what is JACT? This is a really good question, and I have been sitting here at my computer for the last hour typing and then deleting. I have finally realized since I am so close to the subject at hand, I want to tell all the things I think of JACT, which becomes impossible. It’s like describing what your life has been like for the last 4 years in one sentence. I know…sarcastically that can be done, but realistically try to do it with sincerity. So instead of succinctness, I have decided to have my own John Cusack, High Fidelity-esque top 5 list…in no particular order. Queue Beta Band.

Top 5 reasons we started JACT:

-Freedom to work on something where we would get glory for the successes and ownership for the failures.

-Seriously, we work with video games.

-We think we are pretty smart and wanted the challenge of a start up (kinda sexy).

-We thought we had a good idea and could realistically run with it.

-We feel like we can really make a difference in the way gamers interact.

Top 5 reasons for gamers to use JACT

-It’s the ultimate rewards program for gamers.

-It’s free.

-It’s a gamer social networking site. It’s not supposed to be myspace or facebook. It’s supposed to be JACT. Coming soon you will be able to create multidimensional relationships in your gaming worlds.

-It’s unobtrusive. We made sure we designed it that way.

-It’s for any kind of gamer; Hardcore, recreational, good, bad, hot-headed, shy, rgp, mmorpg, shooter, strategy, etc.

So this is my introduction. This blog will be the launch pad of many topics with the hope to help everyone, including myself, better understand where JACT came from, what it is now, and what we want it to become. This is my diary…my take on JACT.